Amazon PPC Management Case Study

Improving Amazon Sponsored Ads and Sponsored Brands Performance

Amazon advertising is a key element for building long-term growth and success in VendorCentral and SellerCentral.

Because Amazon algorithms reward sales velocity – regardless of traffic source – ads can drive more sales and influence Amazon organic search algorithms.

Approaching Amazon advertising requires a different mentality when compared to traditional PPC paid traffic management like AdWords or Bing.

Get the experience from someone who is Sponsored Ads Certified and has managed millions of dollars of Amazon ad spend.

If you don't have an Amazon ad strategy for your products, you're missing opportunity to push stronger growth for the entire account.

Case Study

Increased Monthly Ads' Sales 611% While Reducing Click Cost by 59%.

Amazon Ads Average Cost Per Click

Amazon Ad-Generated Sales


Amazon SellerCentral client had a year of reasonable growth on Amazon prior to Eric Mindel working on the account.  ACoS was very high, and Amazon Sponsored Ads weren’t structured in a way to provide good data analysis and opportunity for granular adjustments.  Client wanted to spend more on ads but was concerned about performance on ad spend.


TASK - Restructure campaigns and ad groups.
Create sophisticated structure of ads to allow for granular adjustments on budgets, ASINs, and keywords.
TASK - Restructure campaigns and ad groups.
TASK - Strategic deployment of Sponsored Brand ads
​​Identify target areas and ASINs most likely to be successful in Sponsored Brands (i.e., headline ads).
TASK - Strategic deployment of Sponsored Brand ads
TASK - Harvest keywords from search data
Introduce methodical approach to pull insights from search term reports and create new keywords that outperform
TASK - Harvest keywords from search data
TASK - Implement day parting adjustments
Create a schedule of being more conservative during times and days when less likely to convert, and more aggressive during times and days when more likely.
TASK - Implement day parting adjustments
TASK - Test and refine PAT (product attribute targeting) ads
Harness Amazon's PAT options to find competing products on which ad placements deliver strong results.
TASK - Test and refine PAT (product attribute targeting) ads


  • Increased Ad-Generated Sales by 611% while ad spend only increased 233%.​
  • ACoS reduced by 55%.
  • Average Cost per Click reduced by 59%​

This is actual data that Eric Mindel helped his client achieve. Not all results will be identical across clients.

Ready to Explode Your Sponsored Ads' Performance?

* Indicates required field